
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Play Dough, DIY

Making homemade play dough is such a wonderful tactile experience.  I made play dough with my 2 year old and she loved pouring and stirring and definitely liked adding the color.   After we played with ours we made a kit for our friends two year birthday.  Him and his mom had a great time with it the next day when it poured rain...

To make your own play dough, mix the following ingredients in a medium bowl:
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour

 Separate into 4 equal parts and add food dye of any color.  Massage color into dough well before letting the kids play with it.

I found that playing with it on a smooth surface like wax paper was the easiest to clean.

Playdough Kit:
To make the kit we placed all of the dry ingredients in a zip lock baggie.  Then provided 4 baggies that had the coloring in them.  All they had to do was add water to baggie with the dry mix, then separate into each color baggie to make it fun!!!

I wish you enough dough :)  !!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tutus and Bows

Who knew that I would make tutu's and have fun doing it?  My good friend taught me how to make these 1 1/2 years ago when I visited her in Arizona with my 6 mos. old daughter.  The tutu brings back many memories of being a little girl.  I was very much not a girly girl but did like some frilly things and even did my time in many dance classes...until I found sports.

I haven't made many of these but they are fun when I do.  I always imagine doing this with friends over tea and conversation for some reason.

I made a matching bow for this one and sent them to my niece.

**To make these you just need to choose colors of tulle and ribbon that you like.
**Cut the tulle into lengths twice as long as you want the tutu.
**Cut a 1 inch wide piece of non-rolling elastic into a length that is 1 inch bigger than your waist.  Overlap about 1/2 inch and sew together.
**Tie the tulle to the elastic band using an overhand knot or fold the tulle in half and use a girth hitch to apply it to the elastic. Make sure you place each piece close together so you cover the elastic.
**When you've finished the tulle you can add embellishment ribbon to add spunk and character to each tutu.

Hoping these tutu's add some fun and imagination to your life.

I wish you enough!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Strawberry Lavender Bread

I planted a tiny lavender plant a couple summers ago near my front steps.  I thought it would be a nice thing to smell as guests walked into my house.  Now that little plant has taken over about 6 square feet of my front yard and I get to cut it back from the sidewalk often.  Cutting the lavender is never a job I mind as it is my favorite thing to smell outside.  

I've even found some super yummy things to cook.  I have made lavender ice cream and yogurt, lavender sauce, and this lavender bread.  And have added it to tea and sugar too.  This bread recipe has been a favorite of mine for a while.  THEN I made it the other day and added strawberries and it took it over the top of yumminess.  It smells wonderful, has a spongy smooth texture, and the taste is have to try it.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

1 c Sugar
5 Tbs softened butter
½ tsp vanilla
1 lg egg and 1 egg white
1 ¾ c unbleached all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
1 cup plain yogurt
1 Tbs finely diced fresh lavender leaves
½ c finely chopped strawberry

Sugar, butter, and vanilla until smooth.  Then add in egg and mix until smooth.

In a separate bowl combine:
Flour, baking powder, baking soda. and salt.

Then alternately add dry ingredients and yogurt to the butter mixture.  Once mixed stir in the lavender and strawberries.

Bake for 45-60 minutes in a pre-greased floured loaf pan OR
Bake for 20-28 minutes in a pre-greased mini-muffin pan until lightly browned.

Eat this slowly and enjoy as long as possible... or you could just make more.

**Lavender can be purchased from most health food stores or you can pick it from a reliable source.

I wish you enough!