Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time for Dinner

I have been asked recently where I find the time to do "everything", so I thought I'd post a dinner that literally took me 15 minutes to make and was super yummy and fresh.

Sauteed Mushrooms and Garlic
Grilled Peppers, Zucchini, and Fish with thyme and lemon juice
Left-over Unemployed Shepherd's Pie

To answer the time question, I do a lot of planning most weeks and use veggies from the farm and CSA to make up the other meals.  I like to try new recipes so I'll pick 2 or 3 on Sundays and get the ingredients then I am ready to make them throughout the week.  I make at least 1 on Monday then we can have left overs or re-purpose the dish for the next night or two.  (like the one above with left over shepherds pie).  This week I roasted butternut squash and made tomato sauce then I used them for two nights in pasta and lasagna...

I think family dinner is one of the most important times of day.  Because of timing with work and our baby's bedtime it is hard for us to have dinner with her.  So we sit with her while she eats and then she is in bed, asleep by 6:30.  That leaves me a lot of time at night to cook or do other projects, or relax.

To recap:
** Plan 2-3 meals, make extra to re-purpose or eat as left overs
** Use fresh veggies to add to every meal, fall veggies are yummy now
** Cook when you have time and keep it simple.
**Always find time for yourself and relax, (cooking is usually relaxing for me)

I wish you enough!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I'm going to try and plan more meals that I can serve more than one night!

